
I can't tell if you're trolling or not..

This movie (Dredd) deserved all the success :

Story: Quantum Leap

most of these aren't really "practical" effects. they're just non cgi visual effects shots. the makeup effects and forced perspective are practicals but the optical compositing stuff is not.


I know, right?
I have a 5-year-old daughter. She likes Frozen. She also likes superheroes and Despicable Me. You know who it's nearly impossible to find? Black Widow. There are 8 different versions of Captain America from the new movie tie in movie, as well as a fig of the Red Skull, who isn't even in the movie. But

I'm curious, without food scientists how did they determine that a serving of their product was 100 calories? Or for that matter, that it was safe to eat? Formulating something "all natural" that meets a specific calorie and nutritional requirement is food science!

Come on!
They were going to be bad-ass Indiana Jones type bad guys!

Mostly, people pitch us on terrible garage-style shows where someone exclaims "We really gotta get this build done."

The article doesn't really answer the thesis that anesthesia made doctors less caring. Really, I would ask is it more compassionate to inflict surgery without anesthesia, and subject your patient to the most horrifying extremes of pain imaginable, or is it more compassionate to render them unconscious and unaware to

Just went through some surgery with one of my arms numbed up and fentanyl in the other. I was conscious and able to watch and talk to my doctors as my hand was pinned back together. A week or so before, I lay on a slab as they made an incision and inserted a lung tube to relieve my punctured lung: the ring of

Well, with out the intervention, it may have been cat-a-strophic.

No it was a whole great film but your expectations were not met. Don't go to a Danny Boyle film if you expect the mundane and cliché.

Cancer takes about 20-3o years to develop in people who get cancer from smoking or exposure to other carcinogen exposure. 7 years ain't gonna show anything.

Let's also add that it has the highest towing capacity. 200 pounds may not seem alike bunch more, but it makes the difference when loading the van and pulling a camper. It's the only minivan I would trust pulling any kind of trailer through the Rockies and/or Death Valley.

6.) Toyota Sienna

Commencement everywhere should just be everyone watching "Spare Change" on VHS in the gymnasium. What! are! you! afraid! of!

As someone who is autistic, the thing I keep coming back to in this discussion is that even if every claim by the antivax movement in terms of 'shit vaccines cause' was true (which they aren't), vaccines would still be worth it.

You can very easily die from vaccine-preventable illnesses. You don't die from autism.