
It should be illegal in NY to eat pizza with a fork.

Money says this is Bad Grandpa with Johnny Knoxville.

How appropriate for an audience dumb enough to think they are watching real news and that it is "fair and balanced".

YUP. I'm used to O'Rlyeh cutting people's mics, but this was much, much better. It didn't make me a whole lot less aghast and angry at the guy, but it certainly made me feel a damn sight better when I saw Klayman looking apoplectic and unable to speak.

Right?! In the meantime, I almost threw up in rage at the Klayman interview with Martin Bashir

Don't even bother arguing, the guy is one of those morons who likes to play the victim whenever anybody disagrees with him, and he can't make a logical argument to save his life.

Then explain the decline of churchgoers in the last 40 years or so. This is a chart from 3 years ago...

Now that's Just bitch ass crazy...

Nah, I think I saw him on a bus, just trying to make his way home.

DAFUQ did I just read?

All of the Creationists arguments against evolution comes down to one thing - they refuse to believe we're all African...

They should really be focusing more on the show's crushing blandness...

Hmm. I don't read his comments the same way. It seems that he simply missed that computers will become the outlets for paragraphs 2, 3, and 4. But for everything but the first paragraph, he's pretty much dead on.

I didn't take it as an accusation, there's been enough of that going around to know the difference.

If you have not heard that then you've been ignoring a large number of anecdotes offered by individuals who already had private insurance who have acknowledged that the new system has much higher premiums than before, or companies that are now dropping employees under 30 hours so they won't be required to provide

See, this is what happens when you're granny shifting, not double-clutching like you should be.

totally agree. I think the 2014 Corvette comes with 285s in the rear. this thing needs at least some 305s or 315s back there