
But you’re moving the goal posts here. If your argument is that not enough is known to effectively know what lifestyle changes are necessary - that’s one thing - but your posts implied that doctors prescribe only medicines as the first line of defense. This isn’t the case at all. They prescribe medicine when

I feel like the liberal sheep at gizmodo think everyone who carry swastika flags, changes “you” to “jew” and recites the 14 words, wear shirts talking about what hitler got right, are nazis.

So under these circumstances are you implying that someone DOES know the answer, or is at least closer to the answer?

Man, you can argue that some doctors don’t understand this shit, but give me a break on your “basic MD knows next to nothing” garbage. The basic MD knows twice as much about the human body as your hobby ass. You have no idea what their schooling is. And the difference between good and bad anything is giving a shit.

This is such a load of shit. I’ve never ever visited a doctor who didn’t stress healthy eating and living as the first defense. NEVER. I know plenty of doctors who lament their patients smoking through cancer and heart surgery. FUCK THAT NARRATIVE. They give people drugs because they want them to live in spite of

Dude. Sick sick burn. Cause we meant trump but you burned him so hard cause you said Obama. Just great stuff. Super good reversal.

I’m glad the Taxi Robot from Total Recall is working again.

left/right aside, how the fuck are people comfortable getting their political hot takes from these numptys.

I thought a corvette was a poor man’s lamborghini.

Is this how we got Trump?

I had the same thought. I’m not sure what she meant by inconsistent. The symptoms?

Why do you think he wouldn’t have made that comment 2 years ago?

Ya, it’s almost as if they should have devoted the 3rd act to him not having the stark suit to rely on so we could see what he really can do in just some sweats and goggles. He should have had to climb out from under a collapsed building or even maybe take on the vulture without any help! Man, what a missed

Unrelated question: how much does a prison save if there’s no chance of a conjugal visit?

The guy signing these executive orders can’t even hold his shit together and that’s burying the lead? Dude is undermining STEM education and championing stupidity. Signing an executive order to do jack shit is called a PR stunt.

Ah, I was just dog whistling the gu’mint business stuff. I totally agree with you that it isn’t binary.

What’s a “bad idea”. There are upsides and downsides to both, but surely it’s better than protectionism. Do you really want the government telling us who we can and can’t trade with?

Are you the only person who doesn’t know that there’s no Remy?

It’s good to be unbelievably wrong now and then.
