
Spooked? Are you really trying to make this a ghost story? There are literally 100 explanations for this that aren’t anything close to spooky. “The wind blew the door shut - residents spooked!” What’s spooky is rational people trying to make normal shit supernatural for no reason.

I uh, err... ya pretty sure he meant that the time machine bit was bullshit, not the message. But hey, young folk these days, am I rite?

I appreciate the sport but your trolling is so obvious I can guess your next 3 responses. You can do better.

U mustang?

They meant they converged a “zero-g” plane (basically a regular airbus with mods) interior to look like the military plane’s interior. Poor wording. Building a set inside those planes is cool but not groundbreaking - they did it for appollo 13 etc. however - I don’t know if they’ve ever done it quite like this!

Yes, but not for lack of effort I think is the point.

If we’re keeping score... here are yours so far.

That “actual America” stuff is hilarious and insulting. You’re not more American than me because you think what you build is more important than what I do. But I’m just a liberal Hollywood elite, paying high taxes with amazing health insurance who votes for the AMA even though I don’t need it, and who’s vote is only

This is a terrible false equivalency. Your 3% streamlining analogy leaves out the part that a company also demands growth. That’s not how the EPA works. Let’s cut 30 percent of your local firefighting budget. There aren’t any houses on fire right now.

Neo matrix powers?

So you’re saying that butter knives and guns are similarly dangerous? False equivalence.

And you’re not biased? You’re repeating NRA talking points.

It looks like he might be wearing bronzer or something. Or maybe he’s wearing white surgical gloves?

No, YOU want to cherry pick data. How can you compare the US to Honduras? A country with almost no gun control or law enforcement and a GDP that’s a fraction of the other countries we’re talking about. Trotting out Honduras without analyzing the context is the very definition of cherry picking data. Why not compare

First of all - let’s compare apples to apples. Honduras is not a western democracy and has almost no enforced gun control. You want to use Honduras as our comp? Swaziland also has a higher gun murder rate per capita too. Sorry, I should have been clear that i didn’t mean in war zones or on countries where there’s no

I agree, it’s systemic - but part of that system is making firearms and entitlement. It’s also kindergarten talk to say that guns stop authoritarian rule. There are plenty of 3rd world countries that prove that wrong - and your impeachment scenario also plays out if the government takes over an area without nukes -

Are you saying that at a gun show there’s a lot of guns so there should be a shooting? I actually don’t understand what your statement.

Could be an orange bimmer...

That doesn’t do anything to explain the gun violence per capita of the US. EVERY other first world democracy seems to figure out how to have a balance of power without arming everyone with handguns. And we also have a military with sonic weapons and drones - so let’s not pretend guns balance anything at that level. I

I agree. I wasn’t saying copy-and-paste - more that those countries have systems in place that work for them from top to bottom and we need to find our version of that. Just banning machine guns, for example, won’t fix things. And don’t get me started on single payer. I still don’t understand the general resistance