Well right now he’s too busy working on that healthcare bill that cuts the taxes of the counties richest people. I’m sure he’ll get right to helping out when he gets a sec.
Well right now he’s too busy working on that healthcare bill that cuts the taxes of the counties richest people. I’m sure he’ll get right to helping out when he gets a sec.
I mean that’s a great start. People act like concealed carry is some kind of deterrent, yet it never is. Surely it just means people are more likely to shoot first - to be safe. Small portable concealable guns are the robbers weapon of choice.
Hey I’m all for that - we clearly can’t handle the resonsibility - I just don’t see the majority of Americans agreeing to it. People in Canada have a middle ground gun control that works pretty well.
It absolutely does. That’s the whole point of gun control - less guns in the system. The sheer number of illegal guns - many are stolen that started legal - means more availablilty. Not to mention that the majority of gun massacres are by legally purchased firearms. But places with fewer guns have fewer per capita…
That’s exactly my point. We’re all wound up right now about bullshit so that the fat cats can pay their friends. Meanwhile this shit continues - and we all figure out a way to put our head in the sand. Guns may be a symptom, and it’s important to go after the cause (again - not a boarder wall, not refugees etc) but…
I’m glad we agree
It’s true. I suggest we all become bullet proof.
Meanwhile let’s get that wall built, worry about immigrants and don’t do a fucking thing about gun control.
I’m not going to tell you that concealed carry is a false sense of security.
You can only watch so many of these videos until you hit a ceiling.
Dats just drift mode, bra!
I don’t think this is what they meant when they said we need to....
I hard the first ones had a heard time keeping up with the competition.
Isn’t Tiff Needell “watch Tiff Needell” by now?
Chill with the “bloggers are journalists” thing
We’re all in this together.
Yes! I don’t care how they got to my ‘15 challenger r/t - I’m just glad they got there.
I don’t see how 8 years of partisan bickering and Trumps 3 year campaign makes them equally terrible. Obama made tons of pro social changes and got the US out of a dangerous depression. I don’t think it’s at all fair to blame Obama for the country’s divide, and I think that divide has been hugely inflated by the way…
Primo primo trolling, sir. Exquisite. Like nuclear level trolling.
Ok. I’ll bite: how was obama equally terrible?