
I don’t see how 8 years of partisan bickering and Trumps 3 year campaign makes them equally terrible. Obama made tons of pro social changes and got the US out of a dangerous depression. I don’t think it’s at all fair to blame Obama for the country’s divide, and I think that divide has been hugely inflated by the way

Primo primo trolling, sir. Exquisite. Like nuclear level trolling.

Ok. I’ll bite: how was obama equally terrible?

Hold the phone - you’re saying the editor is at fault for including the millions of dollars of footage the director shot and the studio paid for? What do you think an editor does?

It’s definitely that now - I just refuse to believe everyone leaning that way is a selfish cunt.

I agree with you. I didn’t mean that they’re playing nice with the universe - just that they’re towing the party line lashed to Trump’s momentum, whatever the cost. I find it so insane that Reagan is constantly run up the flagpole of what a republican should be, and what the party is doing now couldn’t be further

Yep, he went crazy too pandering to the right wing maniacs. But his pre-run politics were on point for a level-headed right winger.

It must be fucking impossible to be a level-headed conservative right now while Trump continually humiliates those who actually believe in the GOP and what it stands for. To watch the GOP leaders have to play nice and pretend to fall in line must be infuriating. I’d feel the same way if Bill Mahr was president. I wish

I hate all this political shit on jalopnik. You lost.

You did it boss!

DIRT RAMP INTO THE GOAL POSTS??? Dude unlocked the nest festival expansion. #dangersign #3stars

some of these people are entering after a 3 year vetting process. You have no idea how hard it is for these people - and the implication that they’re not already screening these people carefully is insulting. You’re arguing from a false premise.

Here’s another way to look at it. Which terrorists do you mean? Which ones could we have avoided allowing entry to?

Ya’ll keep clicking!

Totally! Think of how much work I could get done with all my car stuff GONE!

“I’m gonna un-bookmark you!” Just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

You’re not alt-wrong.

Why not just stick your head in the sand and listen to Jeremy Clarkson audiobooks?

Ah. That makes sense. So you just need to become a multi-billionaire and buy to deleted. So simple!

I don’t believe bou.