Wait. What are you mad at? It’s either funny or terrifying if you believe in the sky king - either way - do you really want that as your plate?
Wait. What are you mad at? It’s either funny or terrifying if you believe in the sky king - either way - do you really want that as your plate?
If you made a point of always disagreeing with someone wearing hunting sunglasses, how often would you be wrong?
Chris Evans wasn’t booted because he was wasn’t the show.... He was objectively terrible. Matt LeBlanc isn’t the show but people are cool with him.
I can’t handle the bullshit library music in the American versions. I wish I’d kept the tips.
So how fast was the cop going to get this reading? Was it a chase? If so, is he radaring the kid as they’re driving?
I see that dude in the convertible Merc so often I should start waving.
And V6 vs V8 etc is an actual thing. There’s no need for the writers to be so lazy.
Hey hey hey... ignorant fools have the right to run too! They may interfere, but they also win!
Nice to see a couple interesting tips floating in a sea of pseudoscientific nonsense!
yikes! If he’s in junior high, don’t be the teacher who doesn’t get the joke.
Pics or didn’t happen.
The landing was rigged.
Has anyone in the last 20 years used the word ‘literally’ correctly?
I don’t know, I think it’s the other guys who are eager to be squashed by anyone with their own plane.
What do you think I’m saying?
The majority of Americans.
The bad things trump says about you are true.
Serious question: How is that statement any different than if you aimed it towards conservatives? My biggest problem with trump is that he lies over and over until his followers believe it. So if that’s your criticism of Hillary, surely it has to be the same as trump?
Naw, you’re just underestimating misogyny.