
So you’re arguing that the whole movie is flawed? Or just this scene?

You’re confusing wanting redemption with getting it - which he does at the end anyway. That scene is important Darth Vader’s character arc across the 3 films. The fact that he has done such wrong makes his crisis interesting. You as the viewer get to decide wether he’s earned absolution.

Wait - Sadam Hussein didn't talk with his kids?

Yes, and that’s exactly why it’s a great scene. Because even nazis were human beings. The blood on his hands is what makes his humanization more interesting. would this have worked in either Star Wars or empire? Probably not, though “I’m your father” is a smaller version of this. The cartoon bad-guy version of Vader

And I guess Volkswagen is offering an working Mr Fusion, they promise.

Now you can argue that they went too far - but you can’t lie to the audience. And that’s what the 3 movies do without having DV break his facade.

Ya, no idea what he’s on about... this is a great scene. The “it’s too late for me” makes it possible for him to turn later. This scene is exactly what’s missing from the prequels.

The weirdest thing about that video is that it looks like they all have the same face.

Ugh, you guys are such SHEEP! I’m into Android car.

Ya, i luckily turned in my VW in June after 3 years of feeling like i was actually helping the world. Fuck VW. I’ll never buy from them again.

That’s why i hate the anti-government bullshit rhetoric. It’s the easiest way to think you sound smart while shooting yourself in the foot. Implying that the EPA is doing something wrong by setting strict environmental standards, while simultaneously saying if the restrictions were less severe the companies wouldn’t

I agree. I feel like the EPA and the FDA can’t win because they’re victim of the same nonsense that befalls any company AND they get tarred by the same brushes as “evil gumment regulators” by right leaning thinkers. The supposed problem here is what? That they’re trying to be too clean? If they’re not going to do it

Well, you did use a logical fallacy but I don’t think it’s a straw man.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. The wizard will show you you had a brain all along.

You did it.

Are you really blaming the EPA for this shit? You can get on your anti-EPA soapbox, but for God sakes don't use that shit to justify what VW did. Separate issues man.

GM was negligent about a fault. VW marketed the exact opposite of what they were selling. It's not protectionism - it's straightforward. If GM had been designing explosive ignition switches on purpose - they'd have been fined 10 times what vw will eventually get.

Imma let you finish but you should know your tinfoil hat is crooked.

Ya! Take our tax money and mind your own business! Don't try!

It's actually more like ten cents per tax payer.