
(while I’m making rules, if you’re requiring people to wear heels you want to continue to participate in society without being branded as a pariah, you are not allowed to have a cash bar)

Would like to take this opportunity to applaud the decision to link out to as many great non-sports stories as possible today:

I would gladly pay a The Athletic-type subscription fee to Deadspin if it guaranteed me a weekly segment of this stupidly perfect show.

With a new owner, San Diego would welcome them back with open arms. We loved that team, and Dean Spanos ripped them away from us and the NFL just watched it happen. Now, nearly everyone that loved that team will ignore them at best and despise them at worst until Dean Spanos sells. He ruined that franchise.

This is why we do this.

1) We are going to keep doing it for as long as we’re permitted to do so and 2) I’ll go ahead and assess that ticket stub for you: it’s worth like five thousand dollars to me.

You know what I don’t actually have to answer this.

PG&E determined it was more profitable to shut off the power than upgrade the infrastructure. Capitalism!

“The difference between Israel-Palestine and China-Hong Kong, then, is only that Israel has been more successful in branding its conflict with those it oppresses as genuinely above reproach than China has thus far been with its dealings with Hong Kong.”

“I believe it’s important to support our President whether he was your candidate or not,” Cameron told SI.com’s Grant Wahl.“

I love how conservatives try to depict California cities as these vile, miserable wastelands that nobody wants to live in, at the same time as housing prices here continue to skyrocket.

I would say it’s very questionable whether he was actually good. The guy finishes with a career 60.3% completion rate and a 116-116 record, both completely average. Led the league in interceptions three times en route to 241 of them, never broke 70 QBR once in a single season, hasn’t had a double-digit win team this

Man, I don’t know if I missed it or not, but if you’re going to be a regular at Deadspin now we’re all better for it. Loved your book. Love this writing.

Excellent read.

best cheap beer: Corona

I think it's more about consistency - don't say everything is cool, we have your back, then two weeks later act like it was beyond the pale. Even at the last minute Gruden was acting like being secretly recorded was cool and funny, right before they fined him. 

After years and years of the wonderful, blessed “Get a brain, morans” meme, we actually have a Brian Moran?!??

I’m gonna get exposed to a flyover tonight and be asked to stand for the National Anthem even though I’m just there to watch a football game.

Now playing

This video was in my Watch Later queue for a while, and I just happened to watch it today.