
Control+F ‘Padres’ .......yep.

That was the University of Michigan football team who went to Italy, not Michigan State.

I am 99% sure this is from Leo Mullen Sports Park in Encinitas, CA. It now has turf, but you were right on the San Diego area!

1. Drop your old favorite team for a new one

smh, always highlighter truthers.

Do you call the team ‘Athletic Madrid’? No. It’s a proper noun.


Yay, optimism! Thanks!

I’ve been thinking of applying for one of your positions, but don’t have a journalism background. What should I do?

A fifth-grader could make this decision.

that’s the spirit

If you could punch any Deadspin staffer in the face for fun (no consequences), why would you choose Marchman?

‘Your weather is a little better’

What street is the northern border of Chelsea? 30th or 34th?