
I've dated much older women in the past. It was completely worth it. Every 30-something should date a 50-something . . .

Something else he can't come to grips with.

Scramble the letters in "Mother-in-Law" and you get "Woman Hitler"

"We shall come over."

Don't forget if McCarthy doesn't kick on consecutive 4th and Goals from the one. That's my favorite (i.e. most infuriating) of the what-ifs.

Glad you came to a sports blog to provide perspective. It gave me the strength needed to go home and hug my worthless child.

nothing matters. one day the sun will implode and there will be no record of you ever existing.

Nothing at all matters in the grand scheme of things. Humans just make things matter because it gives us something to do while we wait to die.

People bet on these games; therefore, you're arguing money doesn't matter.

As an atheist and an owner of the Darwins OOS, I would like to say that origin of life questions are very personal, and to ambush someone in front of a tv audience was total bush league bullshit, and even as a non-religious person I have some difficulty swallowing the entire evolution pill.

Yeah, man. The real enemy are the people who believe things you don't. What are we going to do about this? Why can't we all agree?

My wife will occasionally watch this Girls show. Sometimes I can't take it, so I sneak into our basement and unplug the router, which results in no TV signal.

You go to this place to eat chicken wings then you deserves the screams of a thousand of these shitty Ohio fans in your ear hole for eternity.......for you have blasphemed the lords of the Chicken Wing!

I assume that's exactly what he told his girlfriend.

That's actually the only way to act in a goddamn Buffalo Wild Wings.

I hate to be that guy, but I'm enjoying the schadenfreude watching a city/team that spent the better part of 3 years getting over "the betrayal" of LeBron suddenly come crying back like it never happened.....and now being completely burned by his antics as the team spins into the toilet.

The bigger shock would've been if Long actually blocked someone.

They would have just blocked each other, but neither one knew how.

Every week becomes more embarrassing as a Bears fan. It's only going to get worse when we announce John Fox as our head coach.

A sign of skill and intelligence in writing is the writer's ability to trim away the fat and cut to the chase. You could've just admitted you have a problem with successful young black men, and, given the opportunity, you'd use Andrew Luck's unwashed, game-worn jockstrap as a coffee filter.