
It's creepy that they are doing these kind of tests. She was born with female genitalia. She is a woman, no matter what mutations may exist. She should be able to compete against other women.

Manning plays in a much more QB friendly league than Favre did during his prime. The game is quite different. QB's can't be hit as hard, as late, or as often nowadays. DB's used to be allowed a lot more contact with receivers than they are now. Guys like Elway, Montana and Marino had to fit the ball into tighter

Peyton Manning and QB's of today basically play a different sport than the great QB's of the 70's, 80's and 90's, including Favre. His numbers are totally inflated by the rule changes.

No Patriots fan would ever do a thing like that.

Well, the logic is that the fetus is an innocent murder victim, while the convicted murderer is not innocent. They would ask how anyone could be pro-abortion and anti-death penalty.

Irish Catholic vs Irish Protestant. This is not a new thing.

Why must everything be about LeBron?

I'm sure there will be reports that Rob Bironas' brain also had CTE.

Gays make up less than 5% of the population. I don't think a 50/50 split is necessary.

My goodness, that YES call sucked.

I like these two the best:

Recently watched this. It is so corny, it's great.

Wrong. The runway in Fast and Furious 6 is about 15 minutes long at full-throttle.

+1000000 on Adaptation.

She has a lot to learn, but her music is WAY more in keeping with feminism than the Nicki Minaj, J-Lo, Beyonce' nonsense.

Hate to tell you, but that is a pretty strong ad. Very clearly makes the point that Obama is not even close to what we hoped he would be.

Your 6 year old son is obviously an old racist white man

She handled his coming out way better than he handled hers, LOL.

Cuddle lounges are very popular in Japan.

Hester changes direction so smoothly and effortlessly. He makes it look so easy.