Mike Ramsey dreams of electric Mustangs

I like the Mk4 Supra. It’s a very nice car...

But if he takes the mattresses off the roof, then people will see that he ruined his roof by having mattresses on it, and we can’t have that, can we?

I learned about this in film school. My final project movie had a scene where two characters have a conversation in a car, and I wanted to shoot it through the windshield. The polarizing filter was an absolute lifesaver - without it, all I’d have gotten would be reflections of sky, but with it, I got a really neat

Gas prices are temporary. The Park Avenue is forever.

I hate to be the one to say this, but...

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There’s something familiar about all this...

I hate GM cars for the reverse light thing alone (and other reasons, but mostly the reverse light thing). What an utterly, spectacularly idiotic design. Makes it impossible to maneuver around them in tiny Canadian parking lots because I can’t tell if they’re about to back up or if they’re in park and plan to sit there

Yep, it’s yellow. It actually looks almost sort of brownish-yellow to me.

That’s actually pretty cool. This might be the first time I’ve ever looked at a Scion XB and actually liked what I saw.

Counterpoint: no. This is ugly and I hate it. It looks like body panels were swapped out after an accident and they couldn’t find one the same color.

While the Niva certainly does resemble Groucho, when I read the headline I instantly thought of the Buick Grand National.

Did no one suggest Macaulay Culkin McMacaulayCulkinFace?

It really all depends on the tires. Teslas have more than enough torque, but all that torque is useless if the stationary truck has more grip on the ground.

Your wife is doing the lord’s work.

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I’ll do you one better: how about a semi truck?

Counterpoint: no. While these rubber shifter boots look great when brand new and shiny, rubber gets old faster than Bing Crosby’s rendition of “White Christmas”, and what was once sleek and futuristic will soon become a crumbly mess of sadness. That said, I also agree that leather shift boots look dreadful.

This. I love this. Why do all cars not have this? Seriously, why?

Somehow, I’m less surprised than I thought I would be. Kevin Spacey has always had a very creepy air about him - maybe it’s just because he always plays creepy characters, or maybe it’s why he always plays creepy characters. I dunno. But it seems 100% plausible that he always has been, in fact, completely disconnected

Yes. Yes. YES.