You don't really think that the memory is the only difference do you? I'm sure the processor will be lower spec, the gpu as well.... maybe it won't have bluetooth or GPS either. It's silly to think that the only difference is just 256mb.
You don't really think that the memory is the only difference do you? I'm sure the processor will be lower spec, the gpu as well.... maybe it won't have bluetooth or GPS either. It's silly to think that the only difference is just 256mb.
as @Woden501 already pointed out, you completely missed the point of my comment
Here is my question... my understanding is that it's just like the 4s in that you still see the same amount of content, it's just clearer. We had a 3GS and then bought an 4s... even though the resolution was higher you didn't see more emails, more web content, more people in your contact list, more anything in…
It may be legal consent but that's obviously not what I'm talking about.
There is use worry... the eroding of our personal rights and privacy is a concern. You are right about one thing, congress won't listen.
No, problem solved is them not using our information for profit without our express consent. Why should people have to call someone they've already severed a relationship with? Because they know that A) most people won't know about this and B) those that do won't sit through the long wait times on the phone.
It'll never work... no one listens. They call "Section 1" and the entire place jams into line. People don't even follow the few groupings they try to do. I can't imagine them trying to separate families... let alone creating what sounds like a multitude of groups.
@FriarNurgle: yah that's what the smallest, lightest phone needs... a big, ugly case to completely kill the design
@The SmacK: I think the point was how long did it take them to get there? WP7 has been out a couple of months and got these two games... did Android get them that quickly?
@pyroholtz: I have the original droid and hate it. Rooted and tried other roms, still runs like a POS... unless of course it's a fresh android install. Reminds me of Win95.
@A7: Exactly, I saw someone running 1.6 the other day. Just because it's possible doesn't mean everyone will do it.
@SneakySeahorse: i don't know, i think the govt had some hand in it as well.
Does anyone know where the DDoS attacks on wikileaks came from? When it was hosted on amazon there were reports that hackers were trying to take it down, same thing with the DNS hosts they said DoS attacks were affecting them. I'm just wondering who was behind THOSE attacks. The US government?
Add another to the list, google is now pushing 2.3 out to phones on the same day the 2.3 SDK is being released to devs. So app developers get no lead time at all with the new version to look for and correct any potential problems.
@onaclov2000: No, they haven't... if they had then upgrades would go out to all devices.
@espinha: Which would entail optimizing the OS code to better deal with the data.
I've got one... figure out a way to make multi-tasking not suck. I've got a vzw droid I no longer use because it's become like an old Windows ME PC. Slow, crashy and basically not enjoyable to use at all. I've tried stock 2.2, the latest cyangon mods, etc and all the time apps either are slow to respond or when…
Something doesn't seem right. How in the world did they manage to catch the gardener setting off the explosion on photo? The house sounds like a disaster but he has a gardener? He "experiments" in the yard but lets a stranger root around back there?
yah! another airplay "article". Seriously, are you getting paid by the posting?
@The5thElephant: So Apple couldn't have implemented the exact same thing with DLNA and supported an existing tech that is already baked into many many devices vs a few Apple devices and 1 non apple device (the other giz article about this same damn thing claimed some non apple device was getting updated)?