mike judge camera

Screw this hippy skinny straight cut crap... Bootcut or nothing!

Screw this hippy skinny straight cut crap... Bootcut or nothing!

Here’s a picture of the “Asian” man. I will let you make your own judgement.

If they weren’t $65 they’d be fun to leave in with the remnants of a campfire at a KOA.

For all the shit Tom Cruise gets, you can’t knock him for his commitment and not cutting corners.

I empathize with the spirit of the article but some small voice in my head parroted the title back as, “someone, somewhere on the internet said something” and I cringed. There is never any shortage of people looking to be outraged about something... and this is pretty low hanging fruit.

I don’t read Breitbart. Sorry if you do. Also, please quit this stupid “they’re doing it, so I’m going to do it” shit too. If you want to claim to be the better party and better half, then act like it. Otherwise you’re exactly what those of us watching in the middle have said for years that you are - no different than

Cheeto Hitler

My kid got bit last year, 26 stitches. He listened to dad and saved his own life.

Sonos Voff, almost as good as Vinyl.

Sonos Voff, almost as good as Vinyl.

Ha, yes! While reading the article I wasn’t expecting that kicker at the end:

To everyone saying that he is pointing out the obvious: Yes, he is, but few other coaches will make these sorts of statements. And in fact, many of them will defend not paying players, or conference re-alignment, or any other ridiculous element of the status quo that results from the greed of the NCAA and its member

Louisville pulled out late

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

I know the whole “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” thing, but my God I hate this guy.

“They blame everything in their life on somebody else”

Meanwhile, the sponsored posts are healthy as ever.

A majority of people in the world profess belief in the immortality of the soul. The actual number of people who genuinely believe it are unknown.

I have 100 percent interest in this.

What about The Rock? Isn’t he becoming one of the most bankable dudes in Hollywood, having moved up from sidekick roles and shitty comedies like Tooth Fairy, etc?