mike judge camera

The key in the graph is wrong.

Something with the Rock in it is ‘surprisingly fun’ ?

I can’t stand the new design - they were trying to be stylish, but it looks like a $20 China knockoff. Their older devices were much more understated, functional, and attractive.

“Apple is declining in sales”

After the rumors that Tim Miller wanted Kyle Chandler as Cable, didn’t get his way and quit - I’ll most likely be disappointed with anyone else. Kyle is fucking awesome.

I wouldn’t consider playing a 15 second ad after answering your question ‘a little blurry’.

Reading must be difficult for you.

Why are people so surprised that Google would stoop this low? Their whole bottomline is driven by using your personal info and stuffing ads down your throat.

Yeah - my Dad was being prescribed Vioxx for a long time - he died of a heart attack at 56. Shit is bad for the heart, too - causes aFib. Most NSAIDs do.

They’ve got a chance to create something special with Laura - much like Portman in The Professional. She’s got the chops (ha!) - lets do this!

What a world we live in, where Chris Martin is considered a ‘loser’.

One of the most underrated coaches in the game.

Why hasn’t Shaun King received the same shit storm?

Imagine this behavior from a CEO of a REAL company, like a GE or Google.

SMH. What a fucking embarrassment.

People always have to complain about everything.

Give it a fucking rest already.

While I despise Trump, browbeating companies for not issuing political statements is ridiculous.

You mean you can’t leap off the top of a stadium with cables attached to your hip with all kinds of slack and not kill yourself?

Where’s the jump to conclusions doormat ?