(Folks at DARPA high-fiving as their life’s work has been validated)
Buried ledes:
I am old and crusted over so all the numbers in this article are confusing, especially how I keep reading “1989" and thinking everyone is talking about her 1989 tour.
Am I really supposed to be able to make a comparison between him now and the 2016 picture where he’s completely covered in multiple billowy layers?
Quirky, self-consciously hip characters teaming up to steal a necklace at a ball. K. I’m admittedly a cynical asshole but my insta-opinion is yes, the trailer looks slick, but something tells me the movie will turn out to be kinda dumb cause even though the mostly women cast is a twist, it’s still based on a formula…
Always be suspicious of any living person who has a statue of him/herself.
“This is the first book I have EVER co-wrote with a celeb-type.”
So what exactly am I looking for when I get my results? Isn’t the idea that all ISPs are going to take advantage of this, so what’s the point?
Anyone know if he’s still chasing the dragon? And by “chasing the dragon” I mean “addicted to Skittles?”
She sounds great, but who knows how well she’ll navigate the role. As a Minnesotan, I certainly hope she kicks ass but I’m still holding onto the thin thread of hope that Franken won’t actually resign before that bullshit Roger Stone operation is investigated. But then again, we are looking for MN governor candidates…
Honestly, I forgot they even existed, and now I still can’t quite figure out what city they’re in. New Orleans? Charlotte? Shelbyville? We may never know...
Surely I can’t be the only one who glossed over this headline and thought I read something akin to “Blues Dressed as Vending Machines” and imagined a bunch of those 1980s candy machines with the curly pig’s tail dispensing system awkwardly falling all over the ice.
Related but not really related, I took a random vacation to Quebec City this fall and fell in love with it. Highly recommended.
My cat’s breath smells like cat food.
Ugh, so pissed my grammar-rage blinded me to that gag. Thanks for picking up the slack.
It’s “Capitol Hill” not “Capital Hill.” Fix, please. My eyes are bleeding.
Don’t get me started on rock and/or roll.
Used to love baseball in the 80s and early 90s but I blame that bouncy celebration thing at home plate for my alienation from the sport. Can’t they just stand there and greet the hero with a hearty handshake like goddamn men?