I know :( I guess they had a good interview with Roggie Feels Amir about the upcoming Legend of Hilda: Lonk’s Sleepytime too.
I know :( I guess they had a good interview with Roggie Feels Amir about the upcoming Legend of Hilda: Lonk’s Sleepytime too.
Kinda interested to see how they introduce/explain Psycho Mantis and his powers without Nanomachines.
I know rite? Even the 4DS got it.
That was the ONE issue of Gamesnitch I missed when my subscription ran out. GameGo forgot to remind me of a renewal.
The only collection they didn’t release was on GBA, and it featured color upgrades to the gameboy titles. Still sad about that one.
The face of a flawed god...
Our store has been selling the POP Vinyl figures like absolute crazy. Makes me wonder why they didn’t get into more merchandise sooner...
I was speaking in terms of my youth and what we perceived the following console generation (after PSX/N64) to be starting with Dreamcast.
Oh no doubt. I love that the devs acknowledge both versions (and give me more loot to obtain).
They pretty much had to focus on the orange since legally toy guns needed some sort of orange on them to distinguish from real guns. Legislation was passed in ‘88.
Which platforms would you like to see? I’m legitimately curious. I think it works better as a mobile series (and how streetpass was integrated). I think at least the Vita should get a crack at it.
I shouted “Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurnnnnnnn” and pretended to high-five you through my screen
Stay optimistic. PS4 and X1 are basically PCs for the sake of development ease, and they still maintain their identity.
Right, but they link directly to DYKG from VGFacts homepage. They were posting a lot of the same info
It was a wise choice business - wise, but the nails in the coffin had already been hammered. Having the 32x, Saturn, and Dreamcast launch with less than a handful of years between them had already exhausted their R&D budget I imagine.
I just remember this being one of the first 128 bit console games showcased, and the pretty pictures blew everything else away at the time. After all, this came out only 3 years after Mario 64.
I think they partnered with VGFacts, and to avoid redundancy now stick almost exclusively to videos featuring various YouTube personalities. That being said, Im always starving for more since these are usually so well done.
It kind of makes buying a Nintendo game that much more worth it. You always have the possibility of selling it someday for what you paid for it (depending of course).
That make Sunshine seem depressing all of a sudden...
If they handle DLC for this like they did for MarioKart 8, I’d be all over that pricing. I mean, $12.99 for another 50% of game, 6 characters, 8 Karts, and colored/amiibo character skins was a hell of a deal.