
The Coast Guard does not have to approve wetsuits (or any flotation device). I think what you're getting at is that this would not qualify as a Class II or Class III PFD. Some boating regulations require one to either wear or have accessible a Class II or III PFD, which this wouldn't qualify for. However, this doesn't

"He says spending time in this pressurized oxygen chamber is part of it."

Incidentally, LBJ was sworn in as president aboard AF1 when JFK died, however AF1 was still on the ground in Dallas at that moment.

The VH-3D's are still in service and are used more often than the VH-60N's. The VH-60N's are used more often at remote locations where the helicopters must be transported, as the VH-60N's fit into C-5 and C-17 transport planes more easily.

Many times. Also see the work of Damon Winter, captured on a single sheet of film instead of a Photoshop composite.

vc-10: Good catch!

Original article mentions it's likely a SOC MC-130. While not a gunship, it is an aircraft filled with people with guns.

Or just rest one's palm on the keypad after entering your PIN or during the transaction, warming up all of the keys equally?

This is pretty damn impressive.

Download the Combo Updater for 10.7.1. It's a self contained DMG.

The WiFi fix is a big deal for me. My MBP couldn't maintain a connection to my AirPort Extreme on 5Ghz, and had trouble turning WiFi on and off from the toolbar. It was incredibly frustrating. This update seems to have fixed that, and things are now stable.

"was ushered onto a C-17 floating hospital"

Location fail. Try Bryant Park, not Union Square.

A large portion of their sales are likely for the defense sector, and we'll never see the monitors in use publicly.

Kat, the story here is him testing out the new EOS Mount for the Epic.... NOT the 2X Canon lens converter which has been around for over a decade.

Somewhat ironic, but the photographer that took your lead picture (Chris Hondros) was killed in Libya in April, photographing the war zone:

Nice plug for Aperture, but it doesn't have the ability to combine multiple images the way one could in Photoshop. Aperture's "stacks" are for organizational purposes, grouping related images...but is not used for outputting a single image made up of multiple elements.

Nobody's arguing that the physical interface exists. It's Apple's refusal to allow low level access to the USB interface. This application could be made for iOS on jailbroken devices, but as it stands right now couldn't be sold ever through the App Store.

This is pretty huge, since the various iOS options require a laptop to be connected to the camera, and simply allow remote adjustment of the camera settings via the laptop. This is no doubt due to Apple's limitation of the dock connector/USB APIs.

Andrew seems to be taking offense at criticism of his post, and is nuking all of those comments. Maybe he should leave the camera posts to Matt Buchanan.