
Hammerhead, if you look closely you'll see that they operate 12 747 FREIGHTERS, not firefighters. Only ONE is converted for firefighting use (Tanker 979). Regarding the DC-10s, there are TWO of them in existence only, operated by 10 Tanker Air Carrier.

Rob, I'll agree to disagree. For many, the subway is easier or faster than taking a private car, especially if you're contending with a bridge that might have unpredictable traffic... regardless of the value of one's residence. The UES does have crappy subway service, but you're never more than a few crosstown blocks

Crappy subway access, super loud by the bridges? No thanks. The views may be nice, but not worth that price. An asking price of over $3,000 a square foot is ludicrous for an apartment of that caliber. Apartments overlooking Central Park are in that price range, and this DUMBO location is nowhere comparable in terms of

$23.5mil and you're in...Brooklyn? Hah.

Why do you guys (Giz) leave out photo credit on these? Surely the photographers deserve some recognition. The lead image of two people working on the antenna of the Empire State building (Giz's lead image) was shot by Vincent Laforet.

That's two guys working on the Empire State Building, and you're correct on the photo credit.

The wingtip/no wingtip thing is just the angle you're seeing the far wing. Neither have winglets. The wings are bending up at that angle of attack, and the telephoto compression gives the effect of it having a winglet.

It's a Boeing 747-8i. The -8JK is the customer options code. See here: [en.wikipedia.org]

What hasn't been mentioned is the person that had their ENTIRE HOUSE LOOTED because of a Craigslist ad: [www.signonsandiego.com]

Thanks for the repost from 2010!

Yea, 28 and Park... can tell by the McDonalds and the parking lot (now fenced in) on the SW corner

Yes, that's a given, and also one of the running jokes in the show. Glad you caught that.

Is that a proper camera, Murray?

Now playing

Whoa, insane vid in original post. Here's also a keeper: F1 Mirage over a guy's head. Inches lower and he'd be dead.

For the record, it was a 727 (VP-BDJ) he upgraded from...not a 737.

The original post fails to mention that $11K is just the CIVIL penalty from the FAA. There can also be CRIMINAL charges levied against the violator, such as "felony reckless endangerment." This can lead to years in prison.

Little late on this one guys?

Three_d_dave, agreed on all points. Winds aloft though can exceed 150kts up in the flight levels (as you note, not so strong under 10k or so). If the aircraft is entering a stall, that's not the time to start flying a box formation and noting GS differences though, especially as they weren't able to maintain altitude.

wagnerrp, the link is translated in English.