
Image upload fail.... Pic in reply... Damn you nibbles.

@sometingwong: Don't worry, I dealt him a heart click!

@jms: Don't worry, I've got you covered!

@doggreen1: Excellent paragraphs my friend! Heartclicked!

@WestwoodDenizen: And one to you good sir for your engaging conversation.

@WestwoodDenizen: Sorry someone must've logged in under my hacked password for my last response... it wasn't me. I actually got attacked by ninjas, while I was picnicking in the park.

@WestwoodDenizen: I did it for training with my Police Department. It is required before you can carry a taser.

@doggreen1: I agree with your comment completely, but in the future could you through a few paragraphs in there? more people will read your comments if they are broken up a bit.

@sometingwong: "That is an unconstitutional inhumane weapon"

@WestwoodDenizen: It's not pleasant, but at least after 5 seconds of zapping it's over, all I felt was a tingle in my leg, like it fell asleep.

@VYCanisMajoris: I truly hope this was posted sarcastically, anyone who believes this is a psychopath.

@Settings: You just wrote three paragraphs about a BMW ad.

@WestwoodDenizen: Agreed. Also agreed that pepper spray is very painful. I've been sprayed and tased... The pepper spray was miserable, I think much worse than the taser (I've also been tased). But if you are fighting someone the spray usually won't stop you. It will just hurt really bad when it's over.