
@WestwoodDenizen: It's a heckuva lot harder to get your hands on a new taser cartridge than a can of pepper spray.

@Avastmateys: Fuck Sudecon wipes... When I got hit with that devil piss, I tried everything under the sun. My fair skinned ass was still feeling it the next morning.

@sometingwong: I would take a hit from a taser any day over the following: Pepper spray, Tear gas, a kick in the nads, being hit with a baton and getting poked in the eye. The taser hurts really bad for 5 seconds, then it's gone... It hurts really bad for 5 seconds, but only for 5 seconds.

@Con Seannery: SAVE PONIES!: You more learn how to manage it than get immune to it. Tear gas is like a stroll through the park compared to pepper spray.

Pepper spray is in my opinion, totally useless. I've been sprayed before, and if you're fighting all it does is piss you off. It's only any good for dispersing a crowd. That's why cops use tasers now.

^^^All Miata drivers.

I prefer the company of dogs, to that of cats.

@skaven: I hate you... you got more snow days than us :(

I went to High School in Auburn Ca.!!!!

@Boomdiggity!: Yeah give us a few stories... I'm interested!!!

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Did you ever know that you're my HEEEEEERRRROOOOOO!!!!!!!