
People with outside cats - Thatz not okay.

Go ahead and regulate them. Wouldn't make a difference. If you could download and print a global-level WMD something tells me that regulations won't save you.

I don't think it is worth it at all. People in my country have a right to own firearms. A right which shall not be infringed.

Some of us actually give a shit about our civil liberties, I would hope that doesn't constitute having the wool pulled over our eyes.

No matter the laws and the built-in controls, some people will use tools for evil.

He sounds like Nick Offerman now.

Billy Joel is a true American treasure.

Actually, it is pretty bright. I took this photo a few weeks ago from 35,000 feet on a commercial flight about an hour west of Los Angeles. This was at about noon, local time, heading west, looking north. I hadn't heard of Ivanpah, but I took the photo so I could try to figure out what it was that I had seen. This

Based on prior articles, I thought this (and gizmodo) was an anti-gun website?

Anyone with a Logitech G25 having flashbacks?

Hi! Terry Crews here, and I'd love to respond to this article. For years I've expressed my love for my minivan and I've owned one since 2003. They even added this fact to my character Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
What most people don't know — and it would be safe to assume the writers of this article didn't,

Why can't it just a fully Automatic rifle, why do you need to include "assault". Any rifle or pistol or shotgun can used to assault another person.

Diancie? Hmm...

...not all man holes are always covered

When asked if he felt guilty for inventing a weapon that had ended so very many lives, he said: "I sleep well. It's the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence." RIP, Mikhail.

Damn right. Then I'll open my own damn Wendy's and change the spicy chicken sandwich combo back to #6!

go pack go

Needs moar running lights. Think McFly, think!