
Only $418 dollars to get you junk fondled 18 times! Sounds like a good deal to me!

@bjmckenna: Try quitting the program (double clicking home and closing it from the multi-tasking menu) then restart it from the springboard. That usually fixes the glitch.

@Stymie99: Or they could just build a temple of NOD...

Ion cannon charging.

@notfred: Well I'm glad to see that you're better than all of us.

Ultimate zombie survival car...

1965 Opel Kadett Wagon!!!!!!! Just look at those sexy lines.

I'm digging the F-250 + Harbor freight trailer. That's how I tow my spaceship.

@KeitaKoneko: Cause sites like wikileaks are like white collar crimes... Prosecuted publicly, all over the news, etc.

@ShantJ: YOU could shoehorn an SI engine into it.

@hjustin93: No.... But there may have been giants in Istanbul.... Or Constantinople....

@Renzo: Are you saying that they built Stonehenge just for the Halibut?

Is it just me or does that turn signal switch bare a striking resemblance to a air intake?

I wanna ask him what he thought about James May calling him "Kenny from the Block"!