
This article gives me a case of the Gollywobbles!

Excellent review! I have been hearing a lot of people complain about this game for a lot of different reasons, but the only thing important in my book are the driving physics.

@BlueBeard: TurkeyBater full of TurkeyBatter !

I'm really amazed that it is that cheap... 375 miles for $629? GOOD DEAL!

I'm not familiar with the area, but I hope I-280 isn't like a bridge over the campus, but instead cuts through it... I'll spend some time down there lying in wait to see if I can catch a glimpse of Steve Jobs playing frogger.

Well this is just great... Now how am I supposed to know when I'm about to be blown up by terrorists...

@HerrKrinkle: Don't knock it until you try it with a proper wheel... G25/G27 will do well.... Besides who on this cite wouldn't want to see a heads up match between two Fiat 500s...

@speedzonevideo: Some do say I can suck the moisture from a duck... but I usually take it as an insult... :(

Okay, for those of you having trouble with the Top Gear challenge (getting first in the buses to unlock the test track).

@xcalibr: Look under tuning shop, next to the GT auto thing in the GT life menu.

@Scorpio GTX1: In my opinion it isn't even worth playing without a wheel. You really feel like you're driving a real car with a G25...

@pedersencato: Agreed, I was thinking the same thing...

@jakebonz: That second Top Gear challenge is a Biatch.... I can barely get through the first corner...

@jodark: G25 with a custom cockpit.

I got it last night at midnight, and all I can say is WOW! I'm playing it with a Logitech G25 steering wheel, with a clutch and H shifter, and it feels just like driving a real car. On one track, I was driving a FWD car and I was able to detect and catch the understeer through the wheel, before I could see it on the

SCREW THIS!!!! I'm waiting until GT6 comes out and they have fixed this bug.... Hopefully when it comes out in 2025 they will have not overlooked details like this.

Hey #Apple, I want my darned screen lock back on my #iPad goshdarnnit.