
Since when did the news have an awesome soundtrack?!

I can barely get my fat ass out of bed at 6AM much less pedal power my way into the sky! They should have done it at about 2AM... That's when I usually have most of my energy.

@iDon't even: A crap on a carbon fiber toilet is a crap I want to take!

@Daver73: Meh just another notch on my bed post...

I just rate my wine by the alcohol content

At most of the gas stations near me, the real injuries would be a result of fighting over the crack rocks on the walls of the gas station...

@fuhteng: Right now a boring slushbox crown vic...

@ShantJ: The keyboard is nice for typing reports and whatnot. I'd personally love a standard transmission, we can just slip our donuts over the shifter, no big deal

@fuhteng: Probably quite poorly, but I'm thinking more about myself at the moment!

@ShantJ: It provides us with GPS, criminal records, calls for service info, and if you fold the lid closed (if it's a laptop) the perfect donut holder!

@Lotus7: Yep in fact I'm one of the hoon's greatest predators (when I'm off the track)... Getting our maintenance workers to change the oil is like pulling teeth from a lion... Some places though, like Hawaii (the island), will kinda let you go to town on your own cruiser. However I think koolykool was saying that

@Geisrud: Give me my Lancia Stratos cruiser and I'll wear a shoulder holster, and carry a few flex cuffs no problem!

@Ray Wert: Not all of us are like that but alas most of us are :( I must admit I do like a good pair of cup holders in my cruiser but I could see giving them up for a few more horses!

@Lotus7: You can swap any motor into any frame if you put your mind to it! Hasn't Jalopnik taught you anything!?

@milesoc: Yeah the CHP are using unmarked black chargers now too... so heads up :(

As a police officer, I can say that pursuits are not about top speed, nor are they like taking a car around a circuit. They are more like a rally with more obstacles. I haven't seen any of these three in person obviously but I do think I like the thought of an AWD turbo charged cruiser... Now only if I can talk my