
There’s some interesting parts about the taboo and often furor that erupts over destroying books as part of weeding in a library. Even though the book hasn’t moved from the shelf in 20 years, or is one a multiple copies owned, or is simply severely outdated; everyone is angry about if it’s visible. And usually, I’d

Not always a possibility for a good amount of libraries. There are laws for some that state exactly how you can dispose of them, and it’s not via donation and recycling can be problematic depending on the materials.

I am with you. It’s the information, not the binding, that makes a book important. Libraries have a lot of space issues that makes weeding more or less a regular and important thing. But lord forbid the public sees the items you’re removing, even if they are duplicates or outdated and dangerous (medical texts). 

Damned fine read man. But I realize that I have a ton of fun playing Anthem, and every time I read something on Kotaku about it, it makes me not want to play it anymore. So I’m going to have to stop reading things here so I can get my enjoyment still.

Now playing

It’s a very odd choice to be honest, kind of slowed down almost folk country. It doesn’t fit well, which is why it stands out so much. But good? I’ll let you judge.

It’s a good game, I’ve had it on Steam since the winter sale or something. Hell of a learning curve, but enjoyable entirely.

Good luck getting that fucking song you hear every time you enter the Medbay out of your head though. I can still hear it.

I only experienced the one in Chicago for ALA a few years back, it was odd to be that damned hot and that damned windy at the same time. I don’t know that I’d trade it for the molasses like sweltering heat we have here. We can just bitch about our respective locales as if they were the absolute worst though.

Don’t sell

You never know, it could happen. But I’m not about to leave the AC off around here lol.

I don’t suppose you find it ironic that science fiction and fantasy for years strove for the level of legitimacy among literature that you’re denying comics now, right?

You do get to decide what significance it has for you, and apply any and all labels you’d like. That’s true. Just don’t expect that to hold for anyone else beside you, it’s your bias after all. We classify graphic novels in the same way and place we classify literature here. There really isn’t a reason beyond personal

I wish that were true, I really do. I read voraciously and have since I was very young. My kids see me reading all the time, and I do not pressure them at all about it, but neither really likes to read. I don’t mind much since they are incredibly active in sports and social events, in a way I never was. But I don’t

Yes, they are. You don’t get to decide what is literature or not for the world. Let them choose what they love and don’t be judgmental about it. Having parents that expected me to read “real books” and not the scifi/fantasy I was into almost made me stop reading altogether.

This is some of the best news I’ve read all week long. The original was a fairly fantastic game, if clunky in spots. I really didn’t think there would ever be a sequel, so planned on replaying it every 3-4 years with new modes and overhauls. Thanks for the heads up, definitely made my Friday.

How do you not know? I can’t remember a time I wasn’t aware that carhops got tips. Admittedly the card swipe has changed this, but it’s always been customary to tip the carhop.

If you’re making excuses that it’s “fast food” and thus shouldn’t be tipped, just don’t.

Nor is it the first time that Shady made an appearance in comics, or at least a fascimile of him. The comic Wanted, which spawned that McAvoy/Jolie movie, used Eminem’s likeness for the main character. That didn’t stick so much for the movie, but the movie went a wildly different path than the Millar/Top Cow comic.

I’d also add, rather importantly: Never feel ashamed of what you like reading, and never explain your reading preferences to anyone. If someone makes you feel bad or attempts to shame you for your niche, you should beat them with your book of choice.

There is some good information here, things I read that I’ve used but never quite thought about. Setting aside time is great, for me especially the time when I’m laying down in bed but not quite sleeping. It’s a good habit and helps ease into sleep over an hour’s time, even if occasionally you can’t put it down and

When folks want to know why I don’t live in my hometown in Lousiana, I’m just going to start linking this story. Some things literally just do not change.

That said, I’m happy as hell to see this wasn’t someone in my damned family.

That doesn’t really answer the questions much, the first part that is. Charity organizations aren’t necessarily less savvy, and probably still don’t want this type of problem either. It was a monumentally stupid idea on the part of the discord users, and it ended just about the only way it could have.

Here’s a newer, hotter take. Why would any company want someone who puts a discussion like this into text, where it can be logged, screen grabbed, and shared, instead of the *voice chat* feature that the platform is usually used for? That’s just absolute idiocy, on top of the thing spouted being racist/sexist.
