

Man shut the fuck up

My cat likes Cheeze-its. He’ll bother you until you give him one. He also likes cereal. If I’m being lazy, eating Cherrios in front of the TV, he’ll get on the back of the couch and stick his head and most of his upper body into the box in order to fish out some. Oh, and on more than one occasion, he’s taken a bit of

I wouldn’t be highly concerned as long as the chips didn’t contain onion or garlic as mentioned in the article.

Aw man. I suck. Well, I’ll just go fuck myself then.

You should read the article. It’s a good one I think!

My cat freaking LOVES those little cheddar goldfish. They go nutso when I have a bag and will do the same thing. Lick the salt then nom the cracker to completion. They never eat more than 2 or 3 either but they really really love it.

That’s exactly what I was saying. There are outliers in families, and they don’t reliably pass on their outlier-ness. I could’ve gone with shortness too, I guess, but that seemed less relevant. Seven footers are also almost always outliers, and are thus pretty unlikely to have seven foot tall children. Yao Ming, who

When asked about the incident Green responded, “That shit was weeks ago!”

Well, technically NASA did. But I didn’t correct it out of laziness.

Batting practice? Oh fuck off (to Hample, not you BP). THAT DOES NOT COUNT.

good to know
thanks (this has really been bothering me for a while)

I have the same problem, drives my wife nuts. I’ve had spaces of 72 hours where all I get is “doze” for a few minutes a night. Sucks badly.

I need 36 pens. I work from home, and can promise that the first 35 pens will disappear when I need a pen. So, yes, I need 36 pens.

Yeah. I turned to get something from my kitchen because I was disappointed and looked over my shoulder and saw a pterodactyl fly across my screen and destroy the ball.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

fuck off

Well, duh. Where there are balls, there’s usually an asshole nearby.

You might want to see a doctor about that stick up your ass.