Mike Fallopian

Wasn’t he a raging, screaming asshole on the set, too? There was a recording of him losing his mind at a set assistant (though he’s also a “method actor,” the excuse he used at the time). Steroids could def help explain that. And also being an asshole.

I’ve been told it’s on the narcissism spectrum: We imagine we are so important to other people, our awkward interactions must be something they will think about and hold against us forever.

Is it possible that Ted Cruz is not a great constitutional scholar or master debater...?

Boy, first we find out Paul Ryan isn’t a policy expert and now this. My faith in the party of Lincoln is starting to waver, guys...

They use the word “fraternity” the way many others use the word “Christian”.

Our “future leaders”, ladies and gentlemen.

I luved Tom Huck, but Wild America was better! There were three total babes in Wild America—Which brother I was into changed as I got older. But I have a special place in my heart for Devon Sawa.

Tom and Huck. Brad Renfro AND JTT. Come at me. I dare you.

THERE WE GO. Fuck special treatment for religion. Just fuck it. Sure, you are protected from persecution. Fine...but fuck your tax free status and fuck your beliefs seeping in to my life in the form of laws and fuckery like this.

How many women couldn’t get VC funding for things that are actually useful and maybe help people while this dude-bro was raking in the sweet startup cash?

Hi! Long time reader, commenting for the first time. I guess I should first put up a disclaimer, that I despise Trump and everything that he stands for, and also that Melania is a fool.

MOODY! I totally forgot about Moody! Bernie would be great at that. Grumpy, gruff, but a badass and good at heart. Perfect. Also, I could totally see Jeff Sessions with a pink bow on his head.

“You know what the kids are really into these days? Protests! What can we do with that?”

Somehow, the in-house team is going to wind up blaming Susan Rice.

Oohh! Oohh! (Does best Hermoine hand raising/ teacher please call on me arm flail)

BRILLIANT. And welcome back!