
This really stinks

I know Mayweather is a huge favorite, but that bet reminds me of this bit of genius from a Michigan State fan last year when they lost as a 2 seed to Middle Tennessee State:

And is the man in the picture Mitch McConnel?

Ketchup, spicy mustard,and onions- preferably grilled.

Just to be complete you should show his tee shot since it was such a terrible shank. It’s nice to see that a pro can occasionally suck at golf as bad as I do.

The reason why they start coverage so early is because it’s the US Open. Nearly every tournament covered by CBS and NBC has coverage starting that early, but it’s seen on the Golf channel.

That was a great putt and an even better visual.

Barry Manilow on line 1. Ricky Martin calling on line 2.

Once again the Mormons are leading the way in female equality.

That really would be the best revenge: to throw the most fabulous, flamboyant and gayest possible wedding in the very arena that bears the old fossil’s name. She just might keel over at the thought of it.

Dear Doc:

Paul Ryan is a tool. And a one trick pony to boot. There is NOTHING he proposes (budget, healthcare,taxes) that doesn’t include a huge fucking tax cut for the ultra wealthy. How he still gets the rep as an intellectual policy wonk is mind boggling.

12 1st round picks and he only got to the sweet sixteen 3 times. Most of us Huskies are glad to finally see him go, but, we’re also disappointed to lose a top 3 recruiting class. But talent doesn’t do you much good if you can’t properly use it.

Shoulda gone to Baylor!

He lives with his finger up his nose and his head up his own ass when it comes to running a clean program.

Perhaps Brett can send the family a signed dick pic to place in the old man’s casket.

Fuck. Adults really suck.

Terrible song choice for her. If you want to do a tribute to him with a slow song, she could have just sang Kissing a Fool or Cowboys and Angels. She could have killed it with either of those instead of slowing down an up-tempo dance number.

I can’t be the only who thinks Canyon Barry sounds like a total porn name, right?

Even if Chip came back, do you really think he’s going to improve the defense? And his offense isn’t taking anyone by surprise anymore.