
I see these wraps on here all the time, yet for some reason every time I click a link and head to amazon I never see them for this "special" price. What am I doing wrong?

I see these wraps on here all the time, yet for some reason every time I click a link and head to amazon I never see

I wouldn't hire the guy because I'd think he'd spend too much time proselytizing and making his coworkers uncomfortable. If you don't have enough sense to keep religion out of your resume I'm pretty sure you're going to bring it up constantly on the job.

Harbor Freight sells big Wrench Rings (actual name), that are kind of like a carabiner but bigger and skinnier. 2 for $1.80. They work well.

Lowes sells the Bosch version of the systainer here in the USA. Never seen them in the stores, but they're on the website.

I always wanted a function that during shuffle play, if I heard a song and wished to instead hear the entire album, I could push a single button and the album would play from the beginning. I realize though, with 90% of the current buying public never having bought an entire album, my wish will be forever unfulfilled.

Now that's a technique I can get behind.

I always attempt to leave the tip in cash for these as well as other reasons.

I'd say keep it to yourself. If you were straight and liked BD/SM would you mention it? If it turns out the place is really hostile to gays then look for a new job. It's easier to get a job when you have a jop.

You can say that about just about any occupation short of those that a wrong decision results in death. But now that I type that, I realize that doesn't keep a lot of marginal people from being cops.

Coffee! Can't forget Trader Joe's Coffee. Columbian Supremo whole bean is my choice.

Online mail is good, but I like having my mail local as well. Even with a broadband connection Gmail can't compete with the speed provided by a local email client.

I wish my high school guidance counselor had mentioned Air Traffic Controller or Small Town Cop as career paths -I say small town because who wants to deal with big city criminals. Big pay, early retirement with big pensions and for the longest time, no college degree required.

Tom Bihn Cafe bag. Comes in large, medium and small. Haven't bought yet - still vacillating over the sizes - but the online reviews are universally positive.

Knowing how to use Sum() turns you into a Spreadsheet Ninja?!? Good lord, I'm a freakin' genius then. If you aren't using at the SUM function at the very least, why are you even using a spreadsheet?

check your local craigslist. There's always a Squier guitar on there for way less than $100.

IMHO, if you're going to run Windows and you need a general purpose machine DON"T build it yourself. As an individual buying Windows your build automatically goes up $100. At that point your cost advantage to DIY pretty much disappears.

How did he manage to read 7 books in a week (and take notes along the way), run his empire, eat, exercise and do the other demands of human existence AND sleep 7-8 hours a day? I was assuming when we got down to the sleep section I'd find he slept under 4 hours a day. I can only assume his "work" must take up a lot

When it shows up in Apple refurb it will be a much more attractive. At $329, I'd rather cough up a little extra and get a refurb iPad 3 for $379.

Well I'm not going to sign in to digg.com, because I'm not giving it my little used facebook or twitter id. IMHO, that requirement is a big minus in my book.

Well thanks for being the kind of person that ruins returns/warranties/goodwill for the rest of us.