
the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

Anything? Space Above and Beyond.

Drifting is on a track. Although I’m not a fan of it, I fully support and appreciate it, because it’s on a track.

I’m more amazed at traffic moving in LA

Now playing

Cowboy Beebop - Tank! by the Seatbelts

Its.... not even close.

Why would Dany want a boney little twerp like Jon after having a Dothraki? Plus he’s all full of holes.....like making love to a colander. Plus he probably cries after sex..........bleech.

Darn IT - I read the headline and thought he had resigned from the presidency. His councils were always a farce.

GOP? Self awareness? C’mon, they don’t tolerate things that get in the way of their con.

The Zune was a good product. It’s unfortunate it wasn’t more widely adopted.

They cling to their guns and their bibles because of all the pent up impotent rage coming from a lack of emotional maturity and fulfillment.

Radical conservatives are still calling for civil war for the unjust world they live in even though their party has control of the entire federal government and most states.

Boy, what a bunch of snowflake cucks.

It’s also good to remember that these people have no popular support of any type. All sound and fury, signifying impotence.

What people fail to grasp is the fact that the google employee wrote a manifesto of sorts is him exercising his right if free speech. But guess what - he works for and is employed by an entity. And entity that can punish you for what you say. Punishment applied.
