
YouTube doesn’t want to be associated with terrorist-adjacent content. That’s their choice. The free market has spoken.

That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

Can he get the judge to order the seizure of assets? Assets such as the Daily Stormer?

The only unrealistic thing about this end credit scene is that it didn’t happen in the middle of the night so Fury could step on the gross, wet Tesseract on his way to the bathroom.

Damn you, Shep. I have more tools than a guy now. ;)

Damn you, Shep. I have more tools than a guy now. ;)

Every encounter I’ve heard of with Keanu has been at worst pleasant. It’s always about Keanu giving up his seat on the subway, treating homeless people like humans, being generous to film crews, etc.  The guy is a ray of sunshine.

Do you remember the whole “sad Keanu” meme from a few years ago? People freaked out because he is so beloved, and all these stories of his kindness and being a great person were shared.

Yeah, it’s freaking Merle Haggard and Buck Owens. Like, there’s an even chance that a given person’s mental snapshot of “old-school country music” has more to do with Bakersfield than Nashville.

I immediately thought of KoЯn.

Finding out Keanu Reeves is a genuinely nice guy makes the world seem slightly less shitty.

Just so damn rad to see Shipp as the Flash. 

Hey, remember that we’re in the United States, and we can call him a fat, orange, demented piece of shit who doesn’t actually represent this country’s actual values because we don’t live under a dictatorship.

He’s not the president for all Americans. He has solely pandered to his base and his funders (big coal, big oil, etc.) and blatantly refuses to be a president for all.

The official GOP response:

Good. You can’t just withhold money belonging to someone because you think you are a better caretaker for it. If the guy needs a guardian or conservator to care for his money, then they should have tried to apply for that through the courts.  I have zero sympathy for these assholes.

Socialism actually works in Denmark, Norway and Sweden and they are financially stable and a safer country than the USA 

And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?

His name is Rio, and he dances on the sand.