
Every single reference to Pai should begin with “Former Verizon attorney and current Chair of the FCC...”

consarn it you got me


Right. It’s like, how hard do you have to try to be this racist?

This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.

They aren’t.

Remember the good ol’ days when the Vatican and other church institutions put you in the stocks/gallows/whatever for arguing insane theories like the Earth rotated around the sun?

Jeez, when the fucking Vatican condemns you for being anti-science, you know you fucked up!

Ooh, Young Frankenstein. Frahn-ken-STEEN.

Oddly enough, in my list it says Arrested Development is expiring on 5-26-17. Which would be a little strange since they’re making a fifth season of it.

So I just bought a tactical spork. How did that happen?

So I just bought a tactical spork. How did that happen?


I am going to rant: On a daily basis I have to dodge huge pot holes on my way to work. I’ve actually destroyed a tire in one of these recently. Some parts of the freeway I travel on ( 880 ) are more patches than clear pavement.

...apparently, I have a fanfic to write.

Yup, still the solution for Florida:

The jokes just write themselves these days :-)

Trash fire?

Motus! They actually sell that as a crate motor and it’s pretty stout! I’m from Birmingham, AL (where they’re made), and have spoken with several of their guys, been to open houses, etc. Their engine is basically a Chevy LS cut in half (their words).

Plus they made this thing with one:

I kinda want to put one of these in a Miata: