
It is a fair criticism to say that FOX screwed it up. They delayed it or started it “already in progress” for football and aired the episodes out of order. They did not really understand the concept of a Space Western and failed to market it correctly. Maybe it would have been better placed on one of their smaller

You can’t stop the signal.

Fox’s Broadcasting President of Entertainment told Rotten Tomatoes last month that he’s “open” to producing more episodes of Firefly if Joss Whedon is ready to revisit it, a state of affairs that has not really changed recently, despite the resurgence of this month-old news this week would lead you to believe.

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

listen, i don’t come down to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth. so don’t tell me how to use my own words, i’ll use words however i damn well please. i learned about “truth” at the Brian Williams School of Journalism which was part of Trump University.

listen, they had to drain the swamp to uncover the victims of the bowling green massacre. finding the truth takes some creative problem solving.

So they’re running our government like a mob business, exactly as expected. Tell me about draining the swamp some more you poor stupid duped red voters.

It’s simple. What LeGuin does is supposed to make you think. What Spicer does is supposed to make you not think.

trump has the best most terrific neck wattle.

Seriously, how is this better than a Sous Vide stick and cast iron skillet? Especially at 3X the price or two months worth of Lafrieda meats?

I get that you don’t want to understand, but this isn’t allowed.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Nice to see that actions still have consequences.

Uhh, calling for the genocide of blacks, gays and jews (to name just a few groups) is an extremist view. We are going to make sure it stays that way. Letting this perpetuate, like its fine to call for killing off different ethic groups, helps it to breed its way into society.

> The latter is known as bigotry

Some “opinions” are not worth listening to. If you think there’s redeeming value in any of that alt-right bullshit, you’re out of your goddamned mind.

You’re clearly very skilled at analogous thinking. Good show!

“they were encouraging users to go to some kind of ‘bounty’ site, where users collaborate to attempt to gather personal information on targets.”


When you are not the government it is called “running your business.”