
Wow, I thought they canned this project! Please SyFy pick this up, your current lineup is absolute garbage. I used to eagerly await Friday nights full of new stargate episodes and BSG, I can't even remember the last time I was on your channel. This series WILL bring me back.

Of course it starts getting good after its already been cancled.

IDK if you play alot of games or have alot of videos, it fills up FAST.

Love how it looks like a big whale.

Sign me up! Going to be a LONG time before SSD catches up.

I am, watched the last few rover landings on Mars (and Titan) streaming live from Nasa TV. It was great, real edge on your seat if the little guys made it. Would be a great thing for Cameron to do on this dive also.

They should broadcast the dive on live television, like the moon landings. I can't wait to watch and read all the coverage on this.

I want to know if he is using the iPad or iPhone for most of these. It is MUCH easier to draw on the iPad's larger screen. If that is the case it is no more impressive than any other artist using any of a number of sketching programs.

Where can I pre-order it?

Surprising they did not develop some other more efficient sensory organ to detect the whales coming, like electroreception or echolocation.

Many older games do not work on modern Operating Systems. No reason to switch, just keep your consoles in good condition and they will play your games for as long as it works. It's not like they suddenly stop working when Microsoft or Sony decide to release a new system. I still have my original NES and Sega and

Ugh why can't we get Journey for Vita! My gf got me one for my birthday, and there really is crap on the system so far. Was excited about playing some of the old PSP games I never got around too, but I was sorely disappointed in their emulation. They are a blurry mess.

How about we get Siri to sing "This is a Triumph" from portal. Now that would be more relative. Wish we could rename her to glados.

I'm surprised AIM, lasted this long. Now when is AOL going to die ?!?

I don't care how cheesy the story is, this looks like pure eye candy and I can't wait!!

So is this thing actually any faster than the ipad 2? Aren’t the marginally upgraded CPU and GPU irrelevant since they need the extra power just to run the retina display? I was really hoping for a quad core A6, not sure if I should upgrade my ipad 1 or wait till next year.

Remember watching it a few years ago on gizmodo. Only difference of course is the added toy-r-us ending.

$8, kinda of expensive for an iOS app.

Hah, I shouted to my GF while watching the episode, "hey that is the YouTube guy that recreates songs with nothing but his mouth! Gizmodo, posted about him, glad he got recognized." She just stared blankly at me and went back to whatever she was doing on my iPad. Ah well I was glad to have heard him during the

The quick summary they listed about the game describes the events in the book exactly. I also remember reading years ago how bad the author wanted to get the book made into the game (original xbox), glad to see he's getting closer. I just really hope they get the money.