
This will go great with my Portal Gun!!

I'll take a 65-70" OLED TV please.


I just ordered a 3DS on amazing, thinking I should cancel the order and pre-order one of these. Question though, how is the PQ on these larger DS's? Is it worse than the smaller ones since the pixel density is lower?

Please do a kick starter, I will definitively put money down. Hell we should get a mission to Mars kick starter going!

So glad they got rid of that stupid black bar on the right-hand side. Might have to look into these now, iOS is starting to feel dated.

The only problem with they current design is you can not use it in your lap, the keyboard cover can not support the tablet without using the kickstand. The only real way to use it is sitting down at a desk. Solve this small problem and it really will kill the laptop.

Now playing

Ducklings are fun! Hatched and raised three call ducklings a few years ago. Kept them outside in a big hutch, although once they reached adulthood they were not too friendly anymore. I ended up giving them to a woman who showed fowl at competitions. The End.

How about you start expanding your damn market Verizon, the towns surrounding me have Fios, but I do not! You kept telling me you were coming, that was years ago. I'll drop optimum in a heart beat, even if you are more expensive.

Hopefully you can download an amazon app, I'm to invested in the kindle to switch to a nook. Ugh I hate digital media and stupid DRM.

Is this available for iOS?

Is that you Giorgio A. Tsoukalos?

Wasn't that stated in another gawker article by the author? I know I read that quote somewhere.

I have no idea, but I am sure Apple is already thinking for a reason to block them from the app store.

Yes and imagine the amount of software they would move if they went multiplatform. Nintendo's 1st party software would sell like hot cakes! A Mario game would be an easier impulse buy than new hardware and Mario. Hell even most of us here probably only own a Wii just for Nintendo first party offerings.

Blizzard needs to make full length movies.

Just make software Nintento and release it to every platform, that is all I want from you. I would imagine you are starting to run out of gimmicks by now.

I really hope google launches a map app with turn by turn on Apples app store as this looks just horrid. Not a fan of Andriod, but I will switch over if they don't get up to speed on this by the time the iPhone 5 launches.

I can't see this keeping a modern day i7 cool under load.

That’s why I added the word event, meaning everything going on in the control room as they receive the data. I know by the time the first data arrives, Curiosity will already have finished its decent and happily (I hope) sitting on Mars.