
Guys this game is based on an amazing book, which you need to read. It's the story of the inhabitants of the planet Thea before it crashed into the primordial Earth and created our moon.

Seems like a cool job, wonder what the requirements are.

Umm, wouldn't this shorten your life span? Thought your metabolism was really rough on your body, hence the whole low calorie intake = longer life. Less free radicals from digestion and what not.

Yeah bonobos do like quite different.

What software did he use to create this? Can't find anything on VCV Animation.

Ugh what about the T4i Canon?

3GB is not alot, especially with a number of car manufactures offering stereo/nav units with smart phone integration, i.e. streaming pandora/netflix.

Bioshock plus glaciers

"Bigfoot-like claims from Argentina that both giant ground sloths and glytodons are still out there." Now that is awesome, heard of moa and thylacine sightings, but never sloth or glytodons!

Nice, but still waiting for the redesign.

So I guess backwards compatibility will not be available.

Yup they make great burgers! Also no reason we can't have mammoth meat either, our ancestors seemed to have loved it.

Never heard of the sloth poop discovery, where did they find it?

I only hope I live long enough to see something like this done. I completely agree that it would be great for the ecology, sure some native species might get wiped out, but as a whole the biodiversity would increase and be healthier. Extinct animals would be great, but so would African animals. Americans would pay

I assume you missed the CES coverage my friend. Vizio is releasing their own streaming device, based on GoogleTV, it looks like a real game changer. Everything AppleTV should have been. Check out the link...

Good bye iPad! Well as long as the apps catch up!

Ah nuts to AppleTV I am more interested in Vizio's offering.

Um second trailer says Fall of 2012, where did 2014 on the cartoon network come from?

Aren't they only able to see it if your feeds are public?

or an xbox, wii, playstation, blu-ray player.