
Good, stuff. I def need to look into this. Oh and sorry for the typo on "proto-featured", mean't proto-feather, but I am sure you got that...lol.

I am more interested in these so called "hairs", I thought pterosaurs where considered flying reptiles and not part of the dinosaurian family. Did proto-feathers evolve separately in both pterosaurs and dinosaurs? I know feathers are pretty much just a form of scale, but proto-features in two separate lineages would

Just downloaded a few older psp games and they look horrid on vita! Hope they patch up the upscaler.

Come on google, roll this it out my area!

What about preserved animal fossils?

del Toro needs to get Mountain of Madness rolling again, was so disappointed when it all fell apart.

Blah, they need to finish it faster. I'll be 70 by then, why couldn't I be born in the year 2100.

Hmm, when do these guys first appear before or after salamanders/frogs? Those eggs look like the perfect link too shelled reptile eggs. However I'm pretty sure four legged amphibians where the first ones to crawl out of the water.

Amazing how little hardware is inside the iPad. I imagine it won't be long for the same to happen to laptops.

Wouldn't the movie Surrogate be a better fit?

Hope so, I should prob just buy my next Bethesda game for the PC. Although nothing beats the comfort of a lazy boy in front of a 65" TV, with no PC to worry about.

Great article, one of the main reasons I love Mass effect is because of the diversity found within the story. It really does mash all the best sci-fi together. Having said that I believe the Halo universe (mainly the books) is just as provocative and well thought out. I just love the way humanity is portrayed and

So is this DLC only for PC? What about Xbox?

Not to mention each screen will be at half the normal resolution.

Jupiter does put out some intense radiation, but water makes an extremely good shield. If estimates of it thickness (~10mi) are correct the oceans should be safe for life. It's not like we even need to drill down, a lander taking a look at those rust colored surface sediments should be enough. If the moon harbors

That's a good point, I can still take my NES out of the closet and play whatever games I own. In 10 years from now am I going to be able to do the same with all of my digital content? This just doesn't go for Sony either. In 30-40 years when I am retired will I still be able to read all the ebooks I bought for my

I wish NASA would start focusing on Europa. Mars is a dead world, at best bacteria still remains. I know Mars is much closer and easier to explore, but Europa has TONS of potential for life. Finding life on another world would guarantee larger budgets for NASA.

I want a small tank of them on my desk! Just need to get a few fruit fly colonies going.


What about the possibility of cells first evolving in mud volcanoes?