This is one of the first movies I remember where I cried. Ever since, the notion of inevitable and somewhat heroic sacrifice has always made me tear up - like the end of Rogue One.
This is one of the first movies I remember where I cried. Ever since, the notion of inevitable and somewhat heroic sacrifice has always made me tear up - like the end of Rogue One.
My first podcast was Wittertainment. Hello to Jason Isaacs, love the show Steve
Friday night I cut my finger on a mandoline and put it in the sink whilst I bandaged and added a plaster - yes I was using the safety guard too. Saturday lunch my wife picks it up from the sink to clean it and ends on in the ER after cutting herself.
American Hysteria is a top tier podcast.
Is it not possible to have a close friend at work who you get on really well with and enjoy thier company without “work marrying” them? Maybe this ia just old man yells at cloud but what happened just calling them friends?
But that said, I can’t disagree with the top 4.
Seems a bit of an oversight to miss off Wittertainment. It was a podcast before the word podcast was invented and is sort of still going.
Thanks Lifehacker. Did half a wall this morning without these tips. Couldn’t you have published this yesterday?
Anyone who has listened to “Things fell apart” read the title of the podcast in Jon Ronson’s voice
One that has helped my wife and I - if you have breakdown coverage, download the app and enter all your details before you need them. Saves a lot of hassle when you actually need it
It has taken me about 12 months to get over my last bad work place. Especially having gone from a toxic workplace to one that is beyond nice - we are talking about things like letting everyone take holidays off, representation in Pride parades - it was such a change it has taken me a year to get used to it.
Firefox and then three different flavoursn of Angry Birds, would’ve been August / September 2013
As someone who missed a cricket ball which would’ve won me a trip to Dubai - steps can mess with your head ‘it’s coming right for me’ and it lands two rows in front
Same, i’ve been doing my routines on what I know I can use.
I’m fed up of wanting to use the squat rack, waiting for it to be free and doing the entire rest of my workout whilst a fella does 4 sets of squats with 15 minutes gossiping between sets.
I know all of these and believe them 100% but it won’t stop me grabbing the arm rest the next time we hit some turbulance
These all seem very serious. I’ve gone for the Gargle, the glossy magazine to the Bugle’s audio newspaper for a visual world and I’ve picked the review show where they put all the reviews together which includes Alison Spittle’s classic.
The one time my mum hid one of my presents it was a kids sized pool table. It was leant up against a wall outside my bedroom behind quite a tall plant and I’d walked past it about three times on Christmas morning before I saw it. Not really even hidden, just out of the way enough for me to not see it.
The worst interview I had was for a role looking after a team of tech engineers and 90% of the interview was about how you would mico manage staff and the lead interviewer started arguing with my answers.
I hate that the last piece of unsolicited advice (slight changes in my knee and foot position when squatting) turned out to be really useful. Course I’d never tell the guy in real life