I love GI Joe Rise of Cobra. It’s a terrible movie but I love it and will watch it whenever it’s on. I have no idea if this is what you’re talking about but I will always take the opportunity to promote this movie
I love GI Joe Rise of Cobra. It’s a terrible movie but I love it and will watch it whenever it’s on. I have no idea if this is what you’re talking about but I will always take the opportunity to promote this movie
I would definitely recommend Firecrotch and Normcore by Geoff and Sara.
“You’re dead to me” by Greg Jenner is the one I listen to
Try being a non-drinker in a country like Britain where everyone is drunk all the time.
I’ve played two dots and dots and co a few years ago and I just get a bit frustrated at times that some levels just seem unsolvable. It’s not that I’m making mistakes its that even if I do everything I can I can’t complete it. Maybe it’s changed?
Hi Honey - where are my pants?
15 days??? FIFTEEN?????? And people are scared to even take that when offered unlimited days?
The timing of this is hilarious. I was talking to a trainer a couple of days ago about hitting a plateau and being a bit bored and the resolution of the conversation was this exact headline
I would like an app that can identify a screenshot of a tweet that’s posted on FB or IG and finds it on twitter and RTs - or in the case of a joke that’s stolen, finds the first person to tweet it and RTs that
I used straps all the time before what with one thing and another happened. Always felt that if I’m doing a deadlift to strengthen by back / legs / core I shouldn’t let my grip restrict those muscles getting some work.
Gives you all a “hard stare”
Houses (and flats) are for living in and not renting out to other people.
I’d include Roman Mars and his flags too, his enthusiasm is always infectious
Just dropping in to say I love the DOOM movie.
No King George III? I’m going to send a fully armed batallion to remind you of his love.
No King George III? I’m going to send a fully armed batallion to remind you of his love.
We’ve reached the ‘try plugging in a new router’ with almost the same problem. Working at home / living at work and our work laptops will go from 100mb to 5mb to 0 at seemingly random times.
For years, people had warned that New Orleans was vulnerable – but when a hurricane came close to destroying the city, the reaction was muted. Some people took the near miss as a warning – others, as confirmation that there was nothing to worry about.
My joy-scroll is looking at the houses I’ll buy when I win the lottery, especiallty in places I have no intention of buying a house too
So you’re saying if I want to know my stripper name I actually have to learn how to dance, lose half a stone and then find somewhere looking for old men strippers
We had our bathroom redone 2 years ago and I didn’t want tiles and grout but got talked into it. Wish we hadn’t