

A strange, strange man has been showing up on morning shows throughout the Midwest

He looks worse here than when he castrated himself and Noah Emmerich had to drive him to the hospital.

Zlatan was just trying to explain the plot of Bertolucci's The Dreamers.

Can't you just picture it now? Can't you just envision a long white skin lasso dangling from his bushy black Italian pube cloud? Can't you just picture ol' Joe under the bleachers, poling some chick in a firm but classy manner?

That 50 lbs marks the second significant drop Marie Osmond experienced this year.

The picture isn't clearly Vince, but the guy in the picture does have a similar Bentley.

Don't tase me, comrade.

You failed to mention why they hate him: he's a petulant punk.

Look, They Made Soccer Fun!

Oddly, Steve Nash's protestation of this law was word-for-word Oscar Wilde's attempt to repeal Dublin's buggery laws.

I refuse to believe this. At WrestleMania XI, Salt-N-Pepa in no uncertain terms told us whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty, mighty good man LT was. Is this viciously beaten and raped 15-year-old calling Salt-N-Pepa liars?

That might have been bad, but it was a lot worse to be a King in 1968.

The last time there was a Cliff-related fall this bad, Jason Newstead joined Metallica.

To be fair, when the player went down, the referee checked to see if Slobodan Milosevic was around before booking him.

Even Frank Serpico is impressed by this attempt to bring down a Union.

It's the most important event in the country for three weekends every year.

Ah, Peter Crouch. The consolation prize for any lady unable to strike the fancy of Stephen Merchant.

Throw in a comma after "Bobby" and that's the exact 50th birthday cake that Jim Eisenreich gave to former teammate Bob Boone.