Seriously, We Are Not As Shitty As You Remember
For over a century now, carmakers have been bullshitting us with bogus slogans and marketing nonsense. Just as…
You know the Supra is still great stock.
In my building there was a 996 Porsche 911 Carrera with a Tiptronic. That's how it started.
So I'm sitting in traffic the other day, thinking seriously about all the major issues currently affecting our…
Aesthetics are definitely part of it. But from an engineering stand point, having a symmetrical design allows you to simplify your design. You can have symmetrically opposite (or identical) parts on the left side and right side of the vehicle. If you make the design asymmetrical then you may need different parts left…
I mean, we're pretty symmetrical ourselves. Is that why? Or something else?
He mentioned mileage. Sounds like the engines are almost at the end of their leases, and Caterham can't renew them.
Buxton: "Do you ever regret your decision to come back to Formula One this year, given how it's turning out?"
When I had the i8, I had people asking why it costs so much more than a Volt or a Tesla when the range isn't better than either. While both those cars took risks on powertrains, neither have taken a risk in how we fundamentally build a car.
ermm... M power colours aren't fisher price graphics.
I know ... it is slightly annoying though. This is like making a list of the 10 best all natural racks in the world and putting Pamela Anderson on it.
This is Jalopnik, if it's about Hennessey (or Tesla, but that's another subject), that company can do no wrong.
Commenter Larry Forney notes that if you want to emblazon "When the end times come, please know that I supported…