
Usually, there’s nothing funny about the WBC. In this case though, it’s hilarious to imagine this intern who runs their Twitter trying to explain how he knows so much about the Pokemons to these virulent racists.

At least he didn’t fall into a moth pit!

That’s some top bracket Kinja.

Messi Hurt; Assaulted by Math

That tackle was soccer’s equivalent of a chop block.

Well, that result would certainly be surprising.

Let them wear REAL athletic-wear: 15-year-old college t-shirt, target sports bra, and leggings that may or may not be wet from high-impact induced urinary incontinence. Fucking jumping jacks.


Wow, you must be really old

Only in the country Qatar,
Could a rape victim find themselves behind bars,
For simply alerting a jailer.
Wait...goddammit, this could totally happen at Baylor,
Go fuck youself, Ken Starr.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

A simple solution: Appoint an independent counsel to investigate the problems at Baylor. I nominate William Jefferson Clinton.

Oh, my apologies, I wasn’t trying to correct anything! I just wanted to point out their fundamental(ist) hypocrisy. Here’s one for you:

Ken Starr: “I’m behind a veil of ignorance.”

I’m not saying beer at an MLB stadium is expensive, but Peter Thiel paid for all that.

Shut up.

Let’s not be so quick to judge. We have all done something on twitter that was so shameful we considered deleting our account, haven’t we?