
It would be cheaper (I don’t mean what you think you mean) to build a larger battery bank, but have it at your house. I say bigger, because do you really want to abuse your car battery pack to this extent?

It’s amazing how ugly it is. I saw an Ioniq5 in a parking garage the other day and I thought it was really sharp. I haven’t seen the 6 out in the real world  yet, but you wouldn’t even know they were from the same company based on the pictures. 

VW never selling the Scirocco in the US is a shame.

Closing the tab can help as well.

shocked to see the jetta on here! have had ZERO issues with mine, love the thing.

i was thinking the same

Lawrence at Jalopnik HQ:

Not getting up to highway speed by the end of the on ramp.

Your car should be matching traffic (or even a little faster so you can find a hole) BEFORE the ramp meets the lanes.

I will drive completely up your asshole if you are doing 40 at the end of the ramp.

^ This guy camping in the left lane not allowing anyone to pass and “brake checking” while spending time watching for reactions in the rear view instead of using the passing lane to pass.

I put something similar to that in the last poll about driver’s ed. The nicest thing you can do is be predictable and just go when it’s your turn.

This isn’t so much a violation as it is an annoyance. I’m not sure if this is common everywhere, but I often run into situations at four way stops where I’m clearly not the first person there, and the other person will sit there and then wave me through. Another is a person stopping to let me turn left in heavier

I also came here (and dusted off my login) to say this. I think the Model 3 is one of the slickest, non-flashy designs I’ve ever seen. Inside and out. To me it looks like a sleek shark. I think that’s what they were going for, in fact.

Hard agree. Insteadof the S or X that is styled for their size or even the 3, they Y should be here. It’s like they just inflated the 3 to fit what they needed. .

Yeah that makes no sense. Seems like a “hurr durr Tesla bad” take. There are plenty of good reasons to hate on Tesla (many having to do with it’s founder), but the aesthetics of the model 3 isn’t one of them. It’s a very inoffensive, slick design. Much nice looking than a lot of other sedans on the road

Yeah, Model Y is definitely way uglier than the 3 and S.

Came here to say this. The sedans look pretty good, the SUVs (such as they are) don’t.

Same here in AZ. Except, NEVs can’t legally be driven on roads posted at higher than 35 MPH, need a licensed driver, and have a license plate.

If you can’t see the difference between a bunch of rich people organizing to protect their investments by telling other people what to do (because that’s what HOAs are/do) and labor organizing for better working conditions, then I don’t know what to tell you. You’ve completely lost the plot.

I mean, the #1 red flag is, it’s an HOA contract.

Great reference: You earn an easy A.