
These restaurant.com giftcards are an awful deal. Make sure to actually check whatrestaraunts in your area actually support it. In my neck of the woods there are only 4 and they have stipulations for use that render them way worse deals. For instance of the 4 near me all require you to buy “certificates” to use which

These restaurant.com giftcards are an awful deal. Make sure to actually check whatrestaraunts in your area actually

Off the top of my head: Civic, BRz/86, abused VQ-engine’d Infinity, whatever sport trim that Hyundai pooped out most recently...

It looks like an unlicensed video game version of a Camaro/Mustang/Challenger. Like something you’d get in Burnout or GTA.

It would be called something like a Super Stallion GT or Pony Express.

Well, *sigh*- as embarrassingly repugnant as this encounter is to the driver as he has to be a part of this it surely appears the notion that these knuckle-dragging, mouthbreathers actually have no reasons to NOT be the vociferous racists (yeah, Alabama or good ol’ Georgia was it?) that they could be.

I’m concerned that they’re not shaming those GMA hosts yet this week.  Is everyone over at The Root ok?

No, no, that’s too much effort, it has to be done the Jalopnik way: ask the READERS to comment what the best filler content is, then create a slide show out of the responses.

She was on that men aint shit phase in her 30's.

Best I can do is a free trip to a landfill, so you can live like the trash you are along side all of that waste you needlessly produced.

The issue is that if it was a consensual relationship(which it was, according to the Celtics), then they BOTH broke rules. Keep in mind, the woman he allegedly hooked up with didn’t directly report to him. He wasn’t fooling around with his assistant, he was fooling around with someone who happened to work for the

I had just read an article about her this summer where she talked about be a troubled child in high school. I think she said she was expelled or suspend a lot and had problems at home. The reason I bring that up is because she brought up the interim coaches past. Why bring up that man’s past if you had issues too? 

So...a licensed professional counselor who by her account is a therapist whose patients are Black males with serious mental disorders she’s been treating for years, breathlessly stitches a TikTok talking about the Psychology Today article on the “rise of lonely single men”, calling out the podcasts catering to the

What company wouldn't want their employees call potential clients "dusty bitches"? 

“While you guys did this shit for clicks and views,....”

“Viewers who were upset with Rawls’ tough talk took action.”

Pay no attention to what women say they want. Pay attention to what women actually pursue.

has there ever been a generation of men that were “emotionally available and good communicators” in mass?

Any time I still have a heart rate is a good time.  Getting older sucks.

This article is like dropping someone in the middle of a mine field. There was no mention of the title issues that can be part of purchasing a foreclosure, or the fact it’s currently impossible to evict former owners or tenants from these houses with covid restrictions still in place in some states. Also websites like