
I don't remember, but did they specifically say Supergirl wasn't part of Arrowverse?

You'd think after the nonsense with Supergirl, where they said they wouldn't cross over for a while and they did right away, that they would have learned their lesson and just said "Black Lightning is part of the Arrowverse but for the the foreseeable future we are focused on having the show establish itself before we

I have also not seen it and feel good about that.

I realize that Richard is a pushover, all the time, but I really thought he should have stood up for himself when Gavin called him a bad person. Like, even make an attempt to stand up for himself.

Seems like GL Corps is better suited for a GotG vibe, although it might be too similar.

I really think that they've shifted things around to do more world building early on. Maybe I'm wrong, but the way film franchises are constructed lately, world building is a big part of it.

As have I/as am I. Didn't people who read the books bitch about the books? Didn't people complain about how the books are hit or miss, and they definitely complained about the ending. Now they're complaining that it's not an exact adaptation? It was never going to be 7 (or 8) movies. Or even a combo of tv and movies

Or maybe they've rearranged it because they aren't going to make 7 movies?

Are you worried that they're cramming too much into one movie?

Or it could be something more like a dungeon. One complaint people have about the game is no traditional dungeons.

Because they aren't using the word dungeon in this game…you've got 120 shrines and 4 Divine Beasts. No dungeons. Just curious is all.

It's very odd that the second expansion mentions a dungeon.

That's what I initially thought, but when they're interrogating Offred, it doesn't seem like that. Maybe I just read the scene wrong.

There's plenty of room in the original text for sex and nudity, it just seems unnecessary.

Otherwise the ep was very much in line with the book, and knowing Gaiman is overseeing this is a good sign.

The first ep was great and I loved Hannibal, but this story is a bit disappointing to hear. You'd think if Fuller and Green had read the book, they'd know this scene would be out of character.

I get that they think they can re-educate Ofglen. But again that makes it seem like they know she is gay. The way the scene was written, maybe, made it seem like it was a total shock. Not like they were learning she had "regressed" in their eyes but that they were learning for the first time. I guess it's possible

I'm a little confused by he Ofglen situation. The authorities knew she was able to bear children, which is why she becomes a Handmaid, correct? I assume they know this because they know she already has a kid? Wouldn't they then also know that she had a wife?

Huston is playing a real life German general. Love Thewlis, don't really love him as Ares tho

I was hoping Danny Huston was playing Ares, he would make a great Ares