
After reading the bits and bobs of his Wonder Woman script I thought to myself "hmm…this guy doesn't really seem like a feminist, but I don't know how enough about his other work to really comment on this"

I think I'm more bothered by what is going on with Sansa and Arya. We've been led to believe that Arya is much savvier than this and yet she's being easily manipulated. Sansa should fucking know better than to ever really trust Littlefinger

I really do think people have this image of them as dour and serious but they really aren't.

Have it!

LA Confidential is behind Titanic?! NO NO NO NO

The added song/dance in Jabba's Palace is truly horrific and the removal of Yub Nub is unforgivable. Empire suffers the least from Lucas' meddling, for me. But it's still nice to have the originals

Every time I look at my movie shelf, I say a brief prayer to Harmy and his incredible Despecialized Edition. Now my kids are growing up on the originals, in 1080p with HD surround and most of the imperfections still there.

Fuck this guy

Sure, but this week, all she did was attack the loot train after it had sacked the stronghold of one of her allies.

I'm seeing a lot of taeks this morning that Dany is now a tyrant, but I don't really see that. If she were a tyrant she would have ignored all advice and destroyed the Red Keep along with large parts of Queen's Landing.

Is he making a second It movie about the kids all grown up?

He did win the Battle of Blackwater Bay

I'm having a really hard time believing that Tyrion is suddenly not cunning or intelligent. So far his plan has failed miserably. They've built him up over 6 seasons as one thing, and now suddenly he's not that thing, just to fit the story?

Fair point, I just assume that they can only control the dragons so much? Targeting boats on open water is less collateral damage than targeting the Red Keep and hoping the dragons don't lay waste to the surrounding buildings.

I never got the complaints about the ambiguity of this movie. First of all, you should be used to it if you've ever seen a Coen Bros movie. Second, it was actually not that ambiguous. The ending monologue left me completely satisfied by what I had just watched. It's completely crucial to the entire movie. Damn, need

There's not much subtlety in the singles they released, but I still thought they were putting a unique spin on the concepts.

I loved the 4 singles they released, they are what I expect from Arcade Fire. But man, the rest of it…oof. I mean, the reprise at the beginning/end is a fine concept, but the rest of the songs…I half wondered/hoped that the whole thing was a joke album and the real one was coming out in the fall.

Tyrion's plan is otherwise solid but this was a huge misstep

Why didn't Dany just figure out where Euron's fleet was and then destroy it with the dragons?

The book is poorly written. I think it's a fun story, and definitely don't consider it nerd pandering, which is what BBT is. Actually BBT isn't even pandering, it's worse than that.