

Coen Bros references last night:

Stan Grossman!

The opening scene was vintage Coen Bros. Seemingly a non-sequitor, and then the frustrations and vagaries of bureaucracy on full display.

I guess? Bass is her butt? Maybe treble is if you don't have a butt?

All About That Bass is also terrible. Trainor sounds like Danke Schoen-era Wayne Newton.

I'm old and don't know who these guys are and am happy about that.

Wendy's is a damn good fast food burger.

Ok, that's some Gandalf-level shit. Vaping is still dumb though.

Pizza Hut breadsticks have really taken a quality dip over the years. In high school, there was a Hut across the street with a meal deal involving personal pan and breadsticks. The breadsticks were so loaded with delicious seasoning that you often had to scrape it off. Now, barely anything.

What if Dan Bejar is actually terrible and his songs are the worst part of New Pornographers albums?

Did I miss something, what happened to Gregory?

Slam Piece? Really? Of course it's from Florida.

Chicago version probably had Tootsie as well since they have a plant here. Also Matts Cookies were a big prize, an a crisp $100 bill if you won all the Bozo Buckets

My parents got on the waitlist. By the time we got tickets I was in high school. Still had a blast.


That's what I assumed…usually they announce these things together, but obviously if the sequel had started filming they would have announced casting.

Remember when you could buy a movie right away on VHS, if you didn't mind spending $100 on it?

Is this the first of two movies? I can't find much about pre-production on a sequel, but I saw a story that filming already began.

I would love to read these other scripts he's sold but that were never made.