
I still don't understand the fundamental concept of this plan. They know the exact moment when and where Iris is killed. Isn't it just as simple as Wally, or Barry, being there early? Why does Wally have to run faster to get to Savitar? He can get to Savitar because he knows when and where.

I'm sure it'll be fine, but it seems a bit much. Based on earlier trailers I thought maybe Iron Man would be a glorified cameo. This one, aside from being very spoilery with an Iron Man-related plot point, makes it seem like Tony is all over this movie

Based on this list, I'd say the most quintessential thing about the 90s is movie soundtracks.

A playable Zelda would be great

Given the time and money poured into creating this game, it wouldn't be shocking to see something similar as the next game, just like the Arkham series. This game is big, but then next one could be bigger? I don't know if that's enough, but as with Arkham, the second was better than the first. And I loved the third

Having just come off Arkham Knight, I keep thinking I can grapple up stuff and I can't. A hookshot would have been nice

It doesn't even need to exist to set-up a crossover on The Defenders! Netflix has made 4 seasons featuring three Defenders characters, plus the intro of Punisher, and crossover characters like Claire Temple, Madame Gao and Turk Barrett!

I will say one issue I have is with the controls, at least on the Wii U. It's disappointing that they didn't make use of the GamePad screen. But the bigger issue is the crouching. Maybe it's just my dumb thumb, but I constantly accidentally crouch during battles

I was curious if that would work. Good to know!

I did notice they stop sticking, which is annoying.

I love this fucking game. I have not been this enraptured in a game since Ocarina of Time. Granted, I'm mostly a Nintendo gamer, only just recently purchasing a PS4.

Good points.

Mark Burnett is Trump's Riefenstahl

I was also reading those comics. But why make them look 80/90s? In this universe Wolverine wasn't around until the 2000s

Loved the movie but one issue I had…those comic books featured in the movie looked awfully old. Like, pre-2000. Can anyone hack that up for me?

That was not an ongoing investigation into Clinton. If you'll recall, the news around the October Surprise was possible evidence that would warrant reopening the investigation. It was all bullshit, of course. And it for sure swung the election to Drumpf. I'm not saying Comey was in any way right, but I believe this

He can't request something like this. It's illegal. Even him nudging the FBI is illegal. If he had, why wouldn't the FBI have said something?

Oh yeah, he's a scumbag for sure. I'm just saying that in this particular instance he might have been catfished. But even if he wasn't, the Clinton email investigation was closed. This would have had nothing to do with her private email servers.

Oh yeah, he's a scumbag for sure. I'm just saying that in this particular instance he might have been catfished. But even if he wasn't, the Clinton email investigation was closed. This would have had nothing to do with her private email servers.